As a top-rated cardiologist in New York City, Dr. Herbert Insel has extensive experience providing comprehensive cardiology consultation services for patients from Manhattan and the surrounding area. Consultations can be ideal for patients with existing heart-related issues, those with risk factors for heart disease and those seeking second opinions.
request an appointmentWhat is a cardiology consultation?
Cardiology consultations are office appointments designed to evaluate current symptoms that could indicate a heart-related problem or to assess risk factors for heart disease, including high blood pressure or a family history of heart disease or heart attack. Consultations may also be used to assess existing heart disease or to obtain second opinions. Often, consultations are ordered by a general practitioner or family doctor, but patients may also request consultations to discuss symptoms or concerns.
What happens during a cardiology consultation?
Cardiology consultations typically begin with measurements of blood pressure and weight. Patients are also asked to provide an in-depth personal and family medical history, including a list of any medications or supplements they’re using. They’ll also need to provide information about their occupation, hobbies, lifestyle factors and habits like smoking and level of physical activity, all of which can play a role in cardiovascular health. The doctor will use a stethoscope to listen to the heart and lungs, and an EKG may be performed to evaluate the heart activity. Lab work may also be ordered. Finally, the doctor will provide recommendations for care as needed as well as advice on how to improve heart health. Patients will have plenty of opportunities to discuss their concerns.
What is an EKG?
An EKG is a noninvasive test that evaluates the heart’s electrical activity. The heart beats in response to electrical signals that help regulate contractions to keep blood flowing normally. During an EKG, sticky electrodes are placed on the skin of the chest, belly, and legs. Wires leading from the electrodes connect to the EKG machine, which records the tiny electrical impulses from your heart’s activity, creating a graph that shows any abnormalities. EKGs are completely painless and take just a few minutes to perform. The information obtained from an EKG test can play an important role in identifying heart issues and in optimizing treatment.