Healthy Heart
Myths, risk factors and basics for a healthy cardiovascular system.

Heart health starts with good nutrition
For help getting you on track to a more healthy lifestyle consider meeting with our professional nutritionist who works closely with Dr. Insel to maximize your well-being. For an appointment, please contact our office.

The Ten Commandments of Weight Loss and Maintenance
Simple dietary words of wisdom to live by.

Thoughts on Preventive Cardiology
Remember, unlike other medical conditions, your lifestyle choices can help lead you to healthy heart. Learn more about proper lifestyle choices and let’s discuss your challenges at our next appointment.

Getting Older and Becoming Healthier
Dr. Insel’s recent lecture focusing on maintaining heart, brain and overall health as you age.

Eat Your Way to a Healthy Heart
Dr. Insel and nutritionist Jennifer Insel discuss how foods can help you optimize your heart health.

Dr. Insel has been selected to the Leading Physicians of the World
Read Dr. Insel’s bio on the Leading Physicians of the World’s website