What are palpitations?
Palpitations are an increased awareness of your heartbeat. This could mean that you sense your heartbeat as being either more forceful, fast or irregular. They can come about at rest or during an activity.
request an appointmentHow are palpitations evaluated?
It begins with a consultation with a cardiologist to get an idea as to the s[ecific nature of their occurrences. If indicated, further testings can be performed to determine if the palpitations represent a cardiac arrhythmias that needs to be monitored and/or treated.
What further testings can be performed to evaluate palpitations?
The best way to determine the nature of the palpitations would be to have a recording of the heartbeat when the palpitations occur. Since the palpitations most often do not occur while you are in the doctor’s office. These recording devices can be worn for 24 hours, 72 hours, 1 week and even longer if deemed necessary. Some devices can be taken on and off by yourself and some can stay on even in the shower and when playing sports. It all depends on what would be best to determine the nature of the palpitations you are experiencing.